Staff Member, Sports Nutritionist
One of our new employees, John, was looking for a way to keep making some extra cash and continue to fuel his passions in retirement. We were so pumped to bring him on board after five years of AMAZING progress!
We hear all the time that people think they’re too old to get in shape, but John is 64 and still making gains! He’s sitting at 109 pounds of muscle at 6.8% body fat, and always improving!
“As my interest in fitness and nutrition expanded, I developed a close relationship with Toby,” John said. “He and his staff have guided me toward my goal of better health, greater fitness and pride in my appearance. Yes, I lost my ‘dad bod’ at 64 years of age, and I have never been stronger!”
Like many who come to work with our team, John wanted to be part of the team that puts people on the right path. He saw it firsthand–he did the work, but Nutrishop helped him find the right direction. Now, he can share his experience and use it to help others!
I wanted to be part of the team that can put people on that path. I did the work, but the Nutrishop Team cleared the path and built the bridges. Now, I can share my experience and help others. He’s eager to develop the one area that’s always excited him about Nutrishop: gaining knowledge.
“No question, the team at Nutrishop, through research and experience, know the science of nutrition and the inside track of fitness,” he said. “Toby’s background as a competitive bodybuilder saved me a lot of trial and error in both the gym and the kitchen.”
Now, John can pass on what he’s learned through his own incredible progress, whether it’s his workout plan and strategy, or his favorite supplements. He likes Thermovex for losing unwanted pounds and a lift pre-workout; Stance BCAA Complex that helped him get through his intermittent fasting; ForzaPro for the taste and its role in helping him put on 15 pounds of muscle over the past five years; and N’Ject (“What a great feeling as I reluctantly walk out of the gym after my workout – I can’t wait to come back!”, he said). He also is dedicated to staying interested in his progress, so the InBody machine has been one of his best friends and motivators.
Adding years to his life by focusing on his health has given John the increased opportunity to also add life to his years. He made his living as a home designer and Navy pilot, but in retirement, he likes to work out, ride his bike (or shovel snow, depending on the season), and even ballroom dance. He enjoys the Eagles Lodge (Aerie) for dancing and Honeysuckle Beach year-round for the view and some occasional peace and quiet.
John is a really cool dude who walks the walk, and we are thrilled to have him on our team!